Maximized Marketing Cloud Solutions: Enhanced CX Through Advanced Optimization

How Thunder’s Strategic Partnership Elevates Marketing Cloud Solutions for a Major Cable Provider

Results at a Glance

Improved customer experience through journey
Increased value of Salesforce investment
Defined and improved marketing process

One of the largest cable operators in the US, with a network passing across over 3 million homes and businesses, was looking to improve their customer experience by integrating their enterprise data warehouse (EDW) with Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

After integrating the EDW with Marketing Cloud, the company’s marketing and retention teams faced difficulties sustaining the integration. This led to issues with adoption and engagement, significantly impacting customer experience and marketing efficiency.

The company realized that they needed a tailored solution that aligns with the specific needs of their business, especially after a substantial investment in Marketing Cloud.

To improve data integration and optimize their Marketing Cloud solution, the company chose to engage Thunder, a leading Salesforce consulting partner and a three-time Salesforce Ventures backed-company.

As part of their strategic partnership, Thunder helped the company by implementing custom solutions to help the company improve their engagement and adoption issues. 

The process involved:

  • Identifying what data needs to be integrated with Marketing Cloud to fuel journeys
  • Cleaning and standardizing data so it can be easily consumed by Marketing Cloud journeys
  • Designing data architecture so it can be integrated and scaled within Marketing Cloud
  • Defining an ongoing data governance process that scales with the business

Through a rigorous and structured implementation program, Thunder enabled the company to successfully:

  • Leverage the migrated data for future journeys and new engagements 
  • Maximize effectiveness by responding to customer journey activity on a near real-time basis 
  • Execute marketing’s vision for engagement by building Marketing Cloud Journeys

With a comprehensive data integration strategy and Marketing Cloud optimization plan, Thunder enabled the cable company’s marketing and retention teams to enhance their adoption and engagement capabilities significantly, resulting in the following outcomes:

  • Improved customer experience through journey
  • Increased value of Salesforce investment
  • Defined and improved marketing process
Ready to unlock the full potential of your Marketing Cloud investment? Contact us to discover how you can benefit from customized solutions.