Zendesk Migrations: You get what you pay for

Written by Yaron Wilf, VP and Service Cloud Practice Lead at Thunder
zendesk migration

The risk of going with a low cost partner

Sure, we all want to save a buck when we can, but not at the sacrifice of achieving business goals and the mental health of your team. So while you might be tempted to go with a low cost partner for your Zendesk migration, you need to understand the risk you’re really putting your SF investment in if you do so…

Low Cost Partner Risks:

The low cost folks hard sell on best practices but deliver a cookie-cutter implementation not fit for your business needs.

  • Low cost = a standard Service Cloud configuration and that doesn’t align to the way you work and how you interact with your customers.
  • The reality is that while the initial lower cost seems attractive, getting the desired outcomes will result in multiple change orders to get the project completed. Get your mental game on, its never fun going back to ask for more budget.

They only provide Basic Reporting that lacks operational insights to what’s going on with your agents and customers.

  • Low cost = out of the box  reports and dashboards that don’t tell the entire story from case lifecycle, routing, bottlenecks, escalations, productivity, SLAs, and more

Prepare for a post go-live valley of despair for frustrated Agents and Customers…

  • All that work and investment and no training or change management? Lack of a thorough communication and training program leads to immediate low CSAT,  lack of adoption and sadly Agent attrition. Don’t loose your best Agents to the competition!

Thunder Partner Certainties:

Zendesk migration expertise!

A thorough business process review and design.

  • We will bring lessons learned and best practices from our deep Zendesk migration experience and challenge your team to make process improvements that optimize customer service and fit in your culture.

Accelerators to ease the transition and mirror Zendesk (bump-bump-close, routing, macros, etc.).

  • Thunder enhances Service Cloud with features that make the transition easier on Agents and allows them to be productive on day 1! Many of these were developed directly from our Zendesk migration projects.

Frequent demos to get feedback and buy-in from Agents.

  • We won’t drop the finished product on your lap when its too late and requires more budget to make changes. We are with you every step of the way to provide visibility and get feedback to build a product that Agents want to use and that drives adoption that sticks.

Training and preparation to maximize a successful UAT.

  • It takes a lot to get UAT right and requires a large time commitment from your team, taking Agents away from the service customers. We will help get your team prepared for User Acceptance Testing with example test scenarios, issue logging templates, pre-UAT training, and daily standups to help UAT run smoothly.

Efficient high quality data migration of all key objects and channels.

  • We’ve developed proprietary tools that help execute migration faster, with higher quality and lower cost.

Change Management and personalized training that energizes and prepares the contact center for day-1 of go live and beyond.

  • Avoid the Valley of Despair. Cutover can be tough when moving to new platforms: everything is new… making sure agents are trained, excited, and understand the “why” for buy-in goes a long way towards adoption and preventing agent attrition.

Reports and Dashboards tailored for your KPIs.

  • We provide time and ‘reporting office hours’ to work with you to fine tune the reports to provide the operational insights you need to run the contact center successfully. From Supervisors to Personalized Agent Dashboards, we have you covered.

Knowledge Transfer sessions to enable your Administrators to own and enhance Salesforce as you grow.

  • We know there will always be enhancements needed, so we prepare your team to own the configuration with thorough Knowledge Transfers, Design Specs, and Configuration Workbooks. Or we can partner with you to provide that long term support.

As you can see, there are lots of pros when partnering with Thunder, and lots of cons partnering with a low cost alternative. Get what you need and what you pay for with your Zendesk migration – as easy as boom.

Ready to partner with the Zendesk Migration wizards at Thunder? Contact us today to get started!